“Responsibilities, Stakeholder Demands & Regulation
– key considerations when doing business in Africa”
May 23rd, 2024 in Copenhagen
09.45 AM: Registration
10.00 AM: Welcome & Introduction to Erhvervshus Hovedstaden
/Senior Business Consultant (Ms.) Henriette Kahré Freris
10.20 AM: Welcome & Introduction to AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®
/ CEO (Mr.) Flemming Sørensen, Nordic-African Consultancy
10.30 AM: Introduction to seminar topic.
/ Director (Ms.) Charlotte Gloerfelt-Tarp, Nordic-African Consultancy
Key Regulations & Stakeholder Demands
10.40 AM: Experience & advise on key regulations and stakeholder demands: DreistStorgaard
/ Attorney at Law, Parter (Mr.) Martin Skovbjerg, DreistStorgaard
Lunch & Networking
12.00 PM: Lunch & networking
12.30 PM: Company case: Unicool
/ CEO (Mr.) Ole Hoffmann Hansen
1.00 PM: Company case: ATEA Denmark
/ Diretcor, NGO (Mr.), Nils Löwe Larsen
Networking break
1.30 PM: Coffee & networking break
1.45 PM: Company case: Alumichem
/ CBO, (Mr.) Christian Kemp
2.15 PM: Case: IDC Investment Plc
/ CEO, (Mr.) Bjarne Luhr
Networking break
2.45 PM: Coffee & networking break
3.15 PM: Company case: Nordea
/ Senior Relationship Manager (Mr.), Søren Mølby Henriksen
3.45 PM: Takeaways
After the programme, we encourage all participants to stay for networking and buzzing.
In cooperation with

Venue, Sign up and Price
Participants fee:
EURO 350 ex. VAT pr. person.
(Participants fee will be deducted in an afterwards membership of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®. Members of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® participate free of charge).
Erhvervshus Hovedstaden
Fruebjergvej 3
2100 København Ø
Responsibilities, Stakeholder Demands & Regulation – key considerations when doing business in Africa
At seminar, we:
- Explore key potentials, trends, developments, opportunities and challenges related to Nordic-African business operations.
- Showcase innovative and sustainable Nordic businesses, operating across Africa, and dig into their strategies, business models and external funding.
- Provide a forum for connecting with like minded companies or potential collaborators, regardless of your current stage of doing business in Africa.
- Offer all participants an opportunity to meet representatives from the African diplomatic corps in the Nordics.
Participants are encouraged to share their practical experiences and ideas. Presentations are followed by Q&As and exchanges. During the seminar, we ensure breaks for networking and discussion. Snacks, water, coffee and tea are available throughout the day. A light meal is provided as well.
Sign up:
Director, AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®, Ms. Charlotte Gloerfelt-Tarp: cgt@nordic-african.com
CEO, AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®, Mr. Flemming Soerensen; fls@nordic-african.com