Nordic-African Consultancy
We invite anyone with Nordic-African business interests to share the journey with us
About Nordic-African Consultancy
Nordic-African Consultancy is a Danish consultancy company specialised in Nordic-African business relations and activities. We have 20+ years of experience assisting Nordic companies in doing business on African growth markets and, to this day, work towards our goal of forging the most exciting and value-adding connections between Nordic and African business ecosystems, clusters, companies, organisations and investors.We are dedicated to realising the potential in Nordic-African partnerships and believe that Nordic companies can make a significant difference in Africa.
Who We Are
We are your strategic partner on your path to Africa.
We are
- Advisors
- Consultants
- Sparring partners
Our promise is
- Exchange and collaboration
- Solid experience and hands-on engagement
- Local approaches and global perspectives
What We Do
We identify develop, explore and realise sustainable business opportunities for Nordic companies on African markets. And vice versa.
We help you
- Select the right market(s).
- Formulate a sustainable business plan.
- Develop a suitable business model.
- Operate in African business cultures.
- Identify & obtain external financing & funding.
- Exchange and engage with the right partners.
Read our input to the Danish Government´s Africa Plan
The new geopolitical and economic situation in the world is reshaping political priorities, national alliances and diplomatic connections. In the EU and the Nordics, this has led to increasing focus on the value of cross-continental cooperation and renewed partnership with countries in, especially, Africa.
Currently, the Danish government’s Africa Plan is awaited, expected to be agreed in 2024, and already the roll-back of the closure of the Danish embassy in Tanzania has been announced. In this connection, Nordic-African Consultancy has drawn up our recommendations for the coming Africa Plan. You can request our recommandations by emailing:
Nordic-African Consultancy supports the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. To us, this always begins with a commitment to SDG 17, partnerships for the goals:
“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”
We wholeheartedly support efforts towards renewed and strengthened partnerships between Africa, Europe and Denmark:
Our history in a few numbers
- 140+ seminars on doing business in Africa
- 15+ delegations to African markets
- Operations in 4 Nordic countries
- 1 African office
- Worked with 200+ members
- … In 30+ African markets
Nordic-African Consultancy began its story in 2003. As the untapped potential and emerging business opportunities across the African continent had become too vast to ignore, the boutique consultancy company Nordekon was founded with the objective of guiding Nordic companies on their business trajectories towards Africa. During these early years, AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK®, a leading private professional network for business interests in Africa, was launched in 2011. Likewise, we published the first Scandinavian magazine dedicated entirely to gathering inspiring business cases and showcasing innovative approaches adopted by Scandinavian companies that had taken the leap and begun their African business adventures.
Later, in 2018, as Nordic-African business relations had advanced and matured even further, company activities were increasingly focused on building a foundation of cross-continental and cross-sectoral business connections for the future through network facilitation, development of sectoral clusters and organisation of delegations – in Africa and the Nordics alike. This spurred a merger of all initiatives under the AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK® name.
In 2023, as the company emerged from years marked by a pandemic, geopolitical change and ensuing global socio-political shocks, we updated our corporate identity as Nordic-African Consultancy and relaunched all flagship company activities under separate brands. You can find additional information about our professional network, AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK ® and our Nordic business clusters here, or learn more about our relaunched business magasine africa business insight here. We welcome new members and cases.
You can follow our activities by signing up to our newsletter or following us on LinkedIn and Youtube. For any inquiries about our services and inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us.
The people behind Nordic–African Consultancy
Mr. Flemming Sørensen
CEO, Partner (DK)
Ms. Charlotte Gloerfelt-Tarp
Director (DK)
Ms. Christopher Balle
Member of the Board (DK)