Nordic “Go to market” Business Delegation to UN Ethiopia,
October 2nd – 4th, 2024
Nordic-African Consultancy invite Nordic companies to join our Nordic “Go to market” UN Business Delegation to Etiopia. The purpose is to meet with relevant UN Agencies, and hereby get a better understanding of the UN processes and how to do business with the UN.
Programme highlights
- Site-visit to the UN Ethiopia and meetings with UN representatives there
- Individual meetings with UN organisations
- Meetings with relevant officials
The fee for joining the business delegation is EURO 1,750 (per person ex. VAT) (Based on participation of 7 persons).
Not included in the price is airfare, local transportation, meals, accommodation and visa. However, Nordic-African Consultancy is ready to assist with a cost-efficient travel and accommodation offer.
Go to market – doing more business with the UN
Addressing the UN and its more 18 organisations in a structured and well thought through manner, is in our book the key, to un-lock an attractive and sustainable business potential. Our experiences show, that a one-size “go-to-market approach” does not fit all. No, companies differ along an array of important factors, like e. g. their prior experience with the UN, their product’s/services fit to UN tenders and their niche/broad product play, to name a few. At AIN, we call this your Stages-of-Excellences (SoE) in doing business with the UN and depending on where you are on this scale, your go-to-market approach should reflect this.
Therefore, join us to get a first hand experience from local UN decision makers, and meet and learn from other Nordic suppliers already doing business with the UN and accelerate your success, irrespectively to whether your are: A “first timer” not landed a contract yet, or have landed your first large contract and are wondering how to utilize and expand further within UN globally, or have landed multiple contracts over multiple years but not really have profited yet, or maybe have become an experienced and sought after partner to the UN and what’s next ?
The delegation will give you access to meet a range of key persons in UN agencies and create awareness of your company products, services and concepts. If you are a well-established company in the UN procurement system, you will gain scale-up opportunities and build new business relations. If you are a company that is new to the UN procurement system, you will gain first-hand knowledge on how the local UN agencies work, how the tendering process is executed locally and get the opportunity to pitch your business, products, services or concept to relevant UN contacts.
The United Nations purchases goods and services for more than EURO 16,5 billion annually. In 2018, Nordic companies represented only 2.8% of the total market share. Nordic companies can benefit by getting better acquainted with the exciting opportunities that the UN market has to offer. The world is facing some of the biggest challenges of our lifetime. In order to eradicate poverty, combat inequalities and fight climate change, we have now received a common work plan – the 17
UN Sustainable Development Goals. Nordic companies have expertise, knowledge and resources that are essential in creating global solutions that will contribute to sustainable development.
The UN is the world’s largest purchaser of goods and services from private companies, and Copenhagen is the UN’s second largest procurement centre. The offices in New York and Copenhagen account for 70% of all UN’s procurement.The UN is a large global system that needs everything from office supplies to complete hospitals and power plants. The biggest needs to be covered by UN organisations are:
- Health and medicine
- Food and nutrition
- Water and sanitation
- Shelter and protection
- Construction and infrastructure
- Renewable energy
- Information and communications technology
- Emergency aid equipment
- Cars, machinery and tools
- Educational materials
This delegation will visit local UN Agencies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to get a better understanding of the many and often comprehensive UN processes.