Strategic and operational advice on business in Africa
March 12th, OsloAt this seminar you will learn more about the companies strategy in Africa. The company speakers will elaborate on and discuss their business cases, learnings and long term strategy in Africa. Experts from Arntzen de Besche, Nordekon Consultaing Company as well as the participants at the seminar, will give feedback and strategic/legal advice on business in Africa.
Get strategic advice and expert knowledge about your business in Africa.
This is a call for Nordic companies in all sectors, seeking (free of charge) strategic and operational advice on business development in Africa at our next seminar, March 12th, 2020 in Oslo. In cooperation with experts from Arntzen de Besche, Nordekon Consultancy Company and the participants at the seminar, you will get strategic and operational advice and knowledge about how to scale up and further penetrate the African markets. As speaker you´ll present your company expansion strategy in Africa and get valuable insights and advice from the relevant experts and seminar participants.
March 12th, 2020 in Oslo
01:00 pm
01:45 pm
Strategy case 1
CEO, Mr. Tor Stolpestad, Oisann Engineering
We will here more about Oisann Enginnerings strategy
and challenges in Africa, and we´ll discuss how to move on.
Company cases
Meet the speaking companies

Company case 2

Oisann Engineering
CEO, Tor M. Stolpestad

Company case 3
The speaking companies are amongst the leading Nordic businesses with a significant scale up potential in Africa. At this seminar the companies will share their strategic and operational challenges and solutions for further discussion amongst the participants.
Meet our experts on business in Africa

Mr. Flemming Sørensen
CEO, Nordekon Consultancy Company
Advise on: Finding the right partner, African countries to penetrate, connecting the right people, strategy

Mr. Ole Kirkvaag
Lawyer, Arntzen de Besche
Advise on: Legal issues about oil/offshore/tax and general governance structure

Mrs. Sarah Skou Andreasen
Consultant, Nordekon Consultancy Company
Advise on: Cultural awareness, local partnerships, digitalisation, SDG, country analysis, strategy
The experts present at today´s seminar have technical, legal, operational and and strategy experience.

Mrs. Cecilie Camilla Lindstrøm
Consultant, Nordekon Consultancy Company
Advise on: External founding, applications, project management
Date & Participation fee
March 12th, 2020 from 01.00 am – 5.30 pm
Members of AFRICA INNOVATION NETWORK are participating free of charge to any of our events we facilitate and arrange
Non-members are participating at EURO 350 (ex. VAT) a person. The fee is hereafter deducted the annual membership fee
As partner you participate free of charge to all events and you can bring one extra guest
Learn how Nordic companies do business in Africa
Create new collaborations, partners and clients
Networking with both the diplomatic level, investors and other business people with focus on business, sustainability, scale up and distribution in Africa
SIGN UP - Strategic and operational advise on Africa, March 12th, 2020 in Oslo